CommEngine Social CRM 101

Challenge of Social Media Handling

Social media is now one of the main source of business communication for customers in general. Its availability and handy access makes it the most used medium for any kind of business communication. However, this creates a challenge for the businesses as well. The increasing number of social media users are now the possible audiences of the businesses and they are continuously reaching out to the businesses, all at the same time. Keeping up with these enormous traffic is now being a very tough task at hand for business entities.

Odds in Segregating Communication

With the growing and rapid communication traffic handling, it is also not being possible to segment these communications according to their type. Along with that, segmenting down real organic customers on social media is also a hard job to do. This results in lack of knowledge about the real insight of the businesses.

Results in Lack of Lead Generation

Ultimately, at the end of the day because of these challenges and odds, business fail to create social media lead generation and hold on to them. This creates a big headache for the businesses and makes them wonder of the solution to this burning question: How to create & sustain lead generation?

Role of CommEngine Social CRM

If you have a CRM framework for your business or you want to create one, then the CRM 101 is your getaway to take effectives measures for your business. CommEngine is a social CRM tool that integrates your social media customers under the CRM framework and helps to generate lead from your social media channel. However, how does that work in CommEngine? To know that first let us look at a typical communication flow diagram of CommEngine which based on the Kanban method. Kanban is an agile process where all the tasks are segmented into several meaningful steps and followed to the end. CommEngine utilizes the principles of Kanban and delivers a whole new experience of generating lead from a single communication. Let us look at the typical communication scenario of CommEngine social CRM:

As you can see, CommEngine creates a communication flow based on the basics of Kanban and streamlines the scattered communication. As we can there are 4 segments by which every single communication develops and reaches the last mine.

Stream: Stream shows your each customer communication separately and helps you not to miss a single communication

Assign: Followed by stream, Assign helps to make sure that the right person is in charge of a particular communication. It narrows down the query management and distributes it for better efficiency.

Follow-up: The built in communication reminder of CommEngine social CRM. The follow-up tab reminds you to look at the communications that you need to catch up at the designated time.

Done: Finally, when these communications are handled according to these types, they are finally moved to Done. It ensures the fulfillment of the customer communication meaningfully.

Now, is this everything? Actually no. When we are talking about generating lead from social media channels we just don't mean a few hours or a few days of conversation step by step. Customer retention is still under the hood. For that the core step is to know your customer and their communication and remember them to easily have a view on your business anytime.

The above table introduces you to the key tool of CommEngine: Tags. There can be 5 ways of your business communication and that can be done in 3 layers if needed.

  1. Sales_Lead: A very straight forward tag that can be used if your communication refers to a sales lead. In layer 1 it can be handled by an agent. In layer 2 the tag can be passed by the agent as Sales_Done or Sales_Fail. In this point it can also be handled by the Supervisor. Finally in Layer 3 the brand or supervisor can tag with a Sales_Lock tag.

  2. Support_Lead: Can be used for any kind of support query. Agent can handle it in layer 1 and then pass it to layer 2 with either Support_Done or Support_Pass if follow-up is needed by supervisor or brand. If passed forward and its a lock, then in layer 3 it can be tagged as Support_Lock.

  3. Query: A very simple and usual tag if the communication refers to any kind of query. This doesn't require any layer 2 or layer 3 sub tag and can be handled by agent. If further assistance needed can be moved to Assigned for a more appropriate person to see a significant query.

  4. Sentiment: Can be used when customer/audience gives any sentimental feedback. Can be either positive or negative. This also revolved around layer 1 mostly.

  5. Optional: Ad-hoc: It is completely up to the business framework. Ad-hoc tags can be created based on the need of the businesses. These are the tags to get more in depth view of the business and its customers.

In this simple framework, CommEngine Social CRM created the pipeline of your communication flow and can create a sales funnel for your business with 12 primary tags only in any of these 5 types of communication flow. The best part is that, it creates your own organic business insight which you held yourself and cannot be generated in any other way. Thus your business is kept in check and your customers become more attached to you since you know them.

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